[Netflix] 한국 넷플릭스 순위 드라마 (2021-09-17, The most popular Top 10 of Netflix movie among Koreans with FlixPatrol.)

✍21시간 2021. 9. 18. 23:21

안녕하세요. 21시간 입니다!
넷플릭스는 2016년 한국에서 서비스를 시작한 이래 한국시장에만 7700억 원 이상을 투자했습니다.
최근 코로나 로 인해 집콕을 하면서 즐길거리를 많이 찾게 되면서
OTT 서비스 (넷플릭스, 디즈니, 티빙, 아마존 프라임 등)으로 구독을 하고
한 달에 몇천 원 내는 요금은 전혀 개의치 않는 시대가 되었네요.
콘텐츠가 늘어나서 좋기는 한데 너무 많아 결정하는데 어려움이 있는거 같아요.

Flixpatrol 에서 제공하는 VOD 순위를 기반으로 사람들에게 가장 인기 있는 넷플릭스 드라마를 먼저 감상하시는 건 어떨까요?




- 금일 한국인 드라마 인기 순위 TOP 10


넷플릭스 순위

1위. Hospital Playlist


- Summary

Every day is extraordinary for five doctors and their patients inside a hospital, where birth, death and everything in between coexist.



넷플릭스 순위

2위. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha


- Summary

A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way.



넷플릭스 순위

3위. D.P.


- Summary

A young private’s assignment to capture army deserters reveals the painful reality endured by each enlistee during his compulsory call of duty.



넷플릭스 순위

4위. Hotel Del Luna


- Summary

The Hotel Del Luna, located in Seoul, is not like any other hotel: its client are all ghosts. Jang Man-Wol, stuck in the hotel for the past millennium, meets Koo Chan-Sung, the new manager.



넷플릭스 순위

5위. Change Days


- Summary



넷플릭스 순위

6위. Moby Dick


- Summary

A mysterious explosion occurs at the Balam Bridge in Seoul on November 20th, 1994. In front of hot-blooded local news reporter Lee Bang-Woo, Yoon Hyeok appears. Yoon Hyeok is from the same hometown as Lee Bang-Woo, but they haven't seen each other in a long time. Yoon Hyeok hands over documents to Lee Bang-Woo and hints that the case of the Balam Bridge was fabricated. In order to uncover the truth behind the case, Lee Bang-Woo teams up with fellow reporters Son Jin-gi and Seong Hyo-gwan. While they dig further for the truth, they come within the cross hairs of men intent on covering up the case. Their office is broken into and they are threatened. Meanwhile, Yoon Hyeok holds the key to case ...



넷플릭스 순위

7위. Kate


- Summary

After she’s irreversibly poisoned, a ruthless criminal operative has less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her enemies and in the process forms an unexpected bond with the daughter of one of her past victims.



넷플릭스 순위

8위. Inside Men


- Summary

LEE Kang-hee, an editorialist of the influential conservative newspaper puts a congressman, JANG Pil-woo to the position of a leading candidate for President using the power of the press. Behind this, there was his secret deal with the paper’s biggest sponsor. AHN Sang-goo, a political henchman who supported LEE and JANG gets his hand cut as the price when he gets caught pocketing the record on the sponsor’s slush fund. WOO Jang-hoon, an ambitious prosecutor starts to investigate the relationship with JANG and the sponsor believing it is the only chance he can make it to the top. While getting down to the grass roots on the case, WOO meets AHN who has been deliberately planning his revenge. Now the war among the one blind for power, the one hell bent for vengeance, and the one eager for success starts.



넷플릭스 순위

9위. Love After Divorce


- Summary



넷플릭스 순위

10위. Love Naggers


- Summary

From the quirky to the scandalous, any relationship is fair game for a panel of love experts who comb over text messages and revel in reenactments.